Terms of Use

The RHS collections featured on this site are cared for by RHS Libraries and the RHS Herbarium (the 1851 Royal Commission Herbarium).

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The RHS acknowledges that historical records shared on this site may contain, in their content or catalogue descriptions, terminology, which is inappropriate, outdated, offensive or pejorative. Where such language is employed in the original documents, these have been reproduced in the catalogue using direct quotes from the source material and, where possible or relevant, by including a modern, non-offensive term, although it is recognised that this practice may also be problematic. Please see the RHS Heritage Interpretation Principles for further details.

The original terms used in the collections have been retained in the interest of historical and botanical accuracy, and do not reflect the views and values of, nor are they condoned by, the RHS. We welcome feedback about the language in this catalogue and will consider all requests for changes. Please contact library@rhs.org.uk or herbarium@rhs.org.uk.

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  • List of the images to be reproduced
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  1. The acknowledgement ‘Image © The Royal Horticultural Society’ will appear in the caption/credit line
  2. Specimens are to be cited with a URL link to the relevant page on this website, and the date [day month year] on which they were accessed
  3. Images are only to be used by the applicant in research papers and presentations, uncropped, unless specific permission has been given
  4. It is expected that the herbarium will be provided with either a copy of the publication, or a link to the online publication where our image(s) appear.