Written from Munstead, Godalming, [Surrey]. Manuscript
She is sorry he does not come but needful work and preparations come before all else; if she can help he is to let her know, but she does not need to say this; she regrets that she eats in solitude (the next best thing to the best of company) small joints of Welsh mutton and lamb so delicate they could be classed among vegetables, ‘and partly aimed at a delicate digestion that on this occasion keeps out of range’.
Dated ‘Saturday’ [between 1875 and 1896; Robinson met Jekyll in 1875; she moved from Munstead to Munstead Wood in 1896]
Enclosed is page of annotated sketches of items Jekyll is waiting for Robinson to collect: three stoneware pipkins, nine bags of daffodil bulbs, a box each of bloodroot and trillium, primrose plants, and bags of grape hyacinths, triteleias, anemone, pink wood hyacinth and white gladiolus ‘Bride’