He asks if Maw has any Polygala balansae seeds left, as Boissier [Pierre Edmond Boissier, botanist] has requested some; he has two nice plants in pots from Maw’s seeds, the largest two feet high but no sign of flowering; the Crocus salzmanni [Crocus serotinus subsp. salzmannii] Maw sent last spring flowered a month ago; he asks if Maw has any more oxalises as he lost the Oxalis multiflora that Maw gave him; he has grown Corbularia cantabrica [Narcissus bulbocodium] from seed, and it produces bulbs now and then but no flowers; he had some sent last spring in flower, but they have not flowered again; he was at Hovingham [Yorkshire] at the beginning of the month and they [his family] are all well; he has 50 species of Oxalis but they are all mixed up, and he has received the same species under multiple names; he would be glad of any curious hardy or greenhouse bulbs Maw has to spare