Black and white engraved plate depicting two figures of [Convolvulus azureus] and two of [Cruciata]. The book plate bears the imprints '321. Conuoluulus longifol azureus niueo Vmbilico erectus', '322. Conuoluutus longifol azureus niueo umbil supinus', '323. Cruciata minor glabra flore Moluginis albo' and '324. Cruciata maj-uillosa flo - Moluginis albo' and 'M.3'. From the book 'Plantae per Galliam, Hispaniam et Italiam observatae' by Jacques Barrelier
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Plantae per Galliam, Hispaniam et Italiam observatae… exhibitae a R. P. Jacobo Barreliero