Letter from Gertrude Jekyll to Mrs Brand [Amy Barnes Brand]
Letter from Gertrude Jekyll to Mrs Brand [Amy Barnes Brand]
Record type
Original Reference
1927-10-28 00:00:00
Scope & content
Written from Munstead Wood, Godalming, [Surrey]. Manuscript\r\nJekyll has made out her plan; Brand probably already has delphinium and nepeta and Jekyll can supply all the rest except in ‘A’ laurustinus and Cotoneaster lalandei[?], in ‘C’ Cupressus lawsoniana, and ‘by the seat’ nine yew; she recommends kerria and winter jasmine to cover the woodshed, lent hellebores, and Cistus laurifolius on the sloping bank; she asks for more information about the drive, including what is on either side and at the back of it; in case the writing on the plan is not clear, she is sending a list of the plants advised for each place [see JEK/2/1/18]. Dated 28 Oct [1927; it seems likely that the letter dates from the period when planning was underway for planting near the woodshed and for the provision of a screen using Cupressus lawsoniana]